Lose Baby Weight – How New Moms Can Find Time to Fit in Fitness

If you are a new mom, you are most likely too busy to work out. With around-the-clock feeding, burping and cleaning after the little one, you barely have time to eat and sleep, let alone hitting the gym or jogging the trail. However, to lose baby weight, you need to exercise. Here are easy and creative ways for you to fit fitness into your busy schedule.

Take Your Baby on a Walk

You don’t need to run a marathon to get your cardio on. Walking with a stroller for 30 minutes burns up to 300 calories. For a challenge, walk fast, jog, or do walking lunges down the block. And if you want to socialize, ask your mom friends to tag along.

Exercise at Home

No time to hit the gym? No worries. You can purchase home exercise equipments and fitness DVDs. Even with a few free weights and stretch bands, you can have a successful workout that helps you lose baby weight.

Ask for Help

Losing baby weight isn’t a one-woman job. Ask a family member or a close friend to babysit. Even with a couple of hours, you can squeeze in a great routine. Surely grandma or sister-in-law can lend a hand at times.

Conduct Mini Workouts

Of course, not everyone has family or close friends around all the time. If you cannot get away from the baby, then do mini workouts at home. Mini workouts like 5 minutes of squats or push ups here and there add up to a full routine. As long as you are in motion, you are on your way to losing baby weight.

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Utilize Technology

There are many smartphone apps and websites to help you lose baby weight. For example, My Fitness Pal, an iPhone app, offers nutrition information on any type of food, and allows you to track daily calorie intake and keep a fitness journal. Online fitness journals like Shape Magazine offer the newest fitness tips and workout routines. Today’s technology finds you many ways to fit in fitness on your own schedule.

Babies are demanding creatures. Therefore, being a new mom is hard — and often under-appreciated — work. When you constantly tend to someone else, you often forget about yourself. However, your own health and well-being are just as important. So grab that gym bag, put on your sneakers, and put yourself first for once. Be creative, fit in fitness — it’s time to lose baby weight!

Fit Mommy gained a whopping 55 lbs. during her first pregnancy, and spent nine long months working the weight off. During her second pregnancy, she created a personal weight loss blog called Mom Fitness Journal ( [http://www.momfitnessjournal.com] ).

In Mom Fitness JournalFit Mommy chronicles her progress to losing baby weight and keeping it off. Mom Fitness Journal also provides fitness and weight loss tips, home exercises, healthy meal ideas, and other resources for moms, especially new moms, to connect through weight loss and fitness.