Lifestyle Lift Face Lift – What You Need to Know

What is a lifestyle lift face lift? Well, it is simply a mini-face lift procedure that is being advertised by its developers as a one-hour plastic surgery procedure that delivers dramatic positive results. But is it really all that it claims to be? Read on to find out.

The truth, according to cosmetic surgery experts, is that lifestyle lift face lift does not really provide an effective solution to the three major signs of aging: sagging skin in the jaw line, neckline and the jowls. And because these are the primary concerns that those who undergo face lifts seek to address, it is safe to assume that lifestyle lift is not the facial rejuvenation option that most patients are looking for. So if your concern has anything to do with the three signs of aging mentioned above then you may want to look elsewhere for the right solution.

Another reason for you to look for other facial solutions other than lifestyle lift is the fact that the New York State Attorney General has actually fined the company for deceptive advertising. This decision arose from a complaint that lifestyle lift was posting fake customer reviews on their website. The Attorney General concluded that these reviews were meant to mislead consumers into believing that there are actually several satisfied customers raving about the procedure. Under state and federal laws, this kind of deception falls under fraudulent and illegal conduct and false advertising.

This New York ruling is believed to be the first recorded case in the United States where the fight against astro-turfing is taken seriously. Astro-turfing is the term used to define the practice where employees of a particular company pose as customers or independent entities and proceed to praise their product on the internet or attack their detractors. As a result of the said ruling, several requests for comment were issued to lifestyle lift but they have yet to respond.

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And when an independent body conducted their own customer satisfaction survey for lifestyle lift face lift customers, only 29% said that the procedure was worth the money that they paid for it. Here is another thing that you may want to take into account. Lifestyle lift is a proprietary procedure. This means that the company considers the procedure as their very own trade secret. While there may be nothing wrong with keeping a trade secret in order to protect your business, it remains a fact that the American Medical Association is very much against keeping any medical procedure a secret. The general contention is that there are no secrets in real scientific medicine.

Finally, the cost of lifestyle lift is significantly low as compared to other face lift procedures. If you believe in the saying that you get what you pay for then you really cannot expect much from something that does not cost that much, right? There may be some truth in that saying, if those who have tried lifestyle lift are to be believed. They complain that the results of the procedure last for less than a year, which is why they consider it a waste of their hard-earned money.