Establishing Fitness Routines

Structured Fitness

Fitness classes or groups provide a consistent approach to on activity. Local gyms, schools, and clubs may sponsor a regular fitness group. Teams also provide a consistent approach to fitness but are more competitive. Many communities have intervention programs to help adults and children become fit. They often are found within social agencies and schools.

Structured fitness has the advantage of:

· Being held at the same time and place, which is easier for your schedule.

· Having a social atmosphere.

· “Healthy” peer pressure to show up and participate.

· Self-directed fitness

Many people find an activity they enjoy and create their own fitness program. For it to be effective, you must set up a regular schedule and stick to it. Self-directed fitness gives you:

· Flexibility as to the time and place

· The ability to try different types of exercises

· Fitness within your day

You can use “everyday” activities for fitness, as long as you do them regularly. This includes:

· Daily aerobic activity, such as raking leaves, mowing the lawn, or doing housework

· Physical activity in the workplace, such as using stairs instead of elevators

· Muscle-conditioning exercises, such as scrubbing the bathtub, washing walls, tilling the garden, or pulling weeds

· An outdoor interest that promotes walking or another type of exercise. For example, bird watching may involve considerable walking, and trail building may involve both walking and strength to clear paths

Children and older adults con also benefit from being fit.

Maintaining The Lifestyle

Many of the benefits of being physically active, such as more energy and improved mood occur soon after you become more active. Some of the most important health benefits, however, have to do with being active over many years. Also, if you stop being active, you lose the fitness you achieved- Being consistent makes the most sense for your health.

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Ways to make physical activity a long-term commitment include:

· Setting goals and developing and following a specific program

· Expanding your fitness activities through coaching, competition, and cross-training

· Adding variety to your fitness program by changing the place, activity, and time

· Making physical fitness a habit-a routine, pleasant, and normal port of your life

· Not letting reasons such as lack of time, bad weather, and cost slow you down

· Having the support of friends and family

Preventing Injury And Illness

Physical activity is good for your health, but it does stress and strain your body in ways that a more inactive lifestyle does not. If it’s done too suddenly or without basic precautions, exercise can lead to injury or illness.

Even if you have long been active and are fit, keep safely in mind. Do not assume that basic precautions do not apply to you.

The most important ways to avoid injury and illness are to:

· Learn about the risks of any new activity you begin. Take lessons, if appropriate.

· Always use the safety gear that is recommended for your chosen activity, such as helmets and kneepads. Learn about the use and proper fit of safely equipment.

· Begin, an exercise routine slowly and gradually increase intensity.

· Pay attention to your body’s signals, such as pain and fatigue, when starting a new activity or when increasing the intensity of your physical activity. General muscle soreness is common when you try a new activity, but pain can mean you’re injured. If you are very tired, you may be doing too much too soon.

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Some injuries and illnesses related to physical activity include the following:

· Dehydration may result from losing too much water through sweating and falling to replace it by drinking as you exercise.

· Heat exhaustion, heatstroke, or dehydration may result from exercising in heat and humidity.

· Overuse injuries con happen to anyone who overuses certain joints or muscles. Doing too much too soon or intensive exercise and sports can lead to overuse injuries.

· Exercise-induced asthma con occur regardless of whether you have asthma at any other time.

· Over-training can cause fatigue and irritability as well as increased risk for Injury and illness.

· Heart attack is rare., but you should be aware of its symptoms.

Often presenting you with various fitness routines, this month we tell you of exercises that specifically target your legs and ab muscles.

Leg Exercise 1: Squats

Starting Position:

1. Stand on floor with feet straight ahead and hips width apart

2. Set bar on the top of the shoulders

3. Keep back straight, head straight and chest up.


1. Lower your body with the same motion as sitting in a chair until thigh is almost parallel with the floor.

2. Slowly return to starting position. Repeat.