Find Out What the Difference Is With Whole Food Supplements

In order to understand what the main differences are between whole food supplements and other supplements we have to first explore what is meant by whole foods. We also need to discuss what the difference is relative to foods that are not whole food.

I start with the assumption that we all know what supplements are, but just in case, let me very briefly explain. A dietary supplement is something you use to supplement the everyday foods you eat. The purpose for eating or taking a supplement is to add nutrients to your body, address a specific health issue, boost your overall immune system, boost your physical energy and there are many other reasons to use supplements. Supplements are for adding nutrition to what you already eat to support aspects of your health.

Let’s discuss what food is that is not a whole food. The simple short explanation is, some portion of available foods have been manipulated by humans. Isolated nutrients like isolated vitamins and minerals, and possibly synthetic chemicals have been added. Whole foods do not contain the complete makeup of nutrients and other natural compounds in the way they exist in nature.

Whole foods are created by mother earth, their composition is in no way manipulated by humans. Their composition is intact, humans have not removed anything and have not added isolated nutrients or man made synthetic compounds. If whole foods are organically grown they also don’t contain any pesticide and other chemical residue. Whole foods are foods for humans and animals to eat as nature intended.

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The human body accepts, utilizes and thrives from the nutrition in whole foods. It is increasingly clear that humans are much healthier eating whole foods. Today we see all around us what the health results are from all the manipulated foods. Highly processed manufactured foods have greatly contributed to a very unhealthy culture.

If we accept the premise that whole foods are better for you than processed and manipulated foods, then whole food supplements are better for you than supplements containing processed food with isolated or synthetic nutrients.

A whole food supplement has all the components our bodies need for a balanced system. You get the combination and quality of nutrients that can effectively supplement the needs of your whole body. A whole food supplement supports you holistically and can support you for specific heath challenges.

One of the important differences I always I think of with whole food supplements versus processed or non whole food supplements is that you eat whole food supplements as nutrient dense food and you take the processed supplements like it’s a drug or medicine.

Whole super foods are some of the most nutritiously powerful whole foods. When whole super foods are concentrated through specific processes they are the most effective supplements for supporting and balancing the systems of the body.

Whole foods versus processed foods is a very important distinction to understand in order to make healthy food choices and the right dietary supplement choices.
Look for the choices that have no isolated or chemical ingredients added. If a product has a long list of ingredients, many that you can’t pronounce and have never heard of. Then it is a safe bet that it is not a whole food.

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In summation I would like to recommend that you primarily eat whole foods, some percentage raw. It is a good idea to supplement your daily diet with whole super food supplements to be sure you are filling the nutritional gaps and voids we are all subjected to by our modern western culture.

Quality of life is directly tied to how good you feel each day and how robust your overall health is. Support your body, supply it with the nutrition tools you need.