10 Ways to Improve Your Health and Wellbeing as a Medical Student

If you’re the type of person who likes to inspire others and make a real difference in patients’ lives, embarking on a medical degree will not only provide you with the credentials to succeed, but it will also help you to gain invaluable skills that can take you far in your professional endeavors.

Whether you look into online pediatric acute nurse practitioner programs, or you would like to become a physician, you need to be in the right frame of mind to get the most out of your course and to ensure your patients receive the best care possible. With that in mind, here are ten ways you can improve your health and wellbeing during your learning.

Follow a Balanced Diet

During your studies, you need to ensure you’re eating the correct foods. However, with a mountain of coursework, deadlines, and other commitments to adhere to, you may be more inclined to snack on junk food to keep you going. While you may get an initial burst of energy, you will soon burn out. So, make sure you’re eating tons of fruits and vegetables, alongside foods packed with protein. Making minor alterations to your diet can improve your focus and keep you motivated with your course.

Get a Good Night’s Sleep

During your medical career, you will be expected to work long shifts and irregular hours. This means that you need to get plenty of rest to ensure your patients’ health and wellbeing are of your utmost importance. You can start by getting better quality sleep during your medical course. If you struggle to get a good night’s rest, you will feel groggy and rundown which will impact your concentration and make it difficult to complete coursework. So, removing distractions from your bedroom, investing in a good quality mattress, and creating a peaceful environment can all help.

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Take Care of Your Skin

You may not realize it, but taking good care of your skin can boost your self-esteem and help you feel more confident in your abilities. Once you graduate from your medical course, you will likely engage with a range of healthcare professionals and patients. So, following a good skincare routine can help keep your skin radiant and glowing. An effective routine can reduce acne, wrinkles, and dark circles under your eyes.

Exercise Regularly

Regular physical activity is critical for your physical and emotional wellbeing. If you’re currently working alongside your studies, you must factor in time for exercise. Allocating 30 minutes out of your day to dedicate towards exercise can help you think more positively, improve cardiovascular health, and keep you committed to your course. While your gym may be closed due to the coronavirus outbreak, there are plenty of indoor activities you can perform from the comfort of your living room.

Keep Hydrated

During the day, you should get into the habit of drinking lots of water. As our bodies are made up of up to 70% of the stuff, drinking water will keep you hydrated and benefit your skin as you get older. Dehydration can cause headaches and fatigue which will leave you feeling rundown and sluggish. Whether you’re out and about or at home, make sure you have a water bottle by your side that you can use to keep hydrated.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

As a medical student, the pressures of doing well can be overwhelming. Whether you’re doing coursework, preparing for an exam, or having difficulty with a module, your stress levels can rise and negatively harm your health. There are lots of relaxation techniques that can bring your stress levels down, slow down your heart rate, and help you feel calm and content. Many students benefit from deep breathing exercises that can help you regain control of the situation and think clearly.

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Have a Strong Support Network

Even if you know what’s to come with your medical course, things can get too much at times. If you’re struggling with a module or need help, having a strong support network around you can make all the difference. Being surrounded by your family and friends as a shoulder to cry on can be a good way to relieve tension and any anxiety you’re facing. Remember, your loved ones are there to support you, not judge you. So, don’t feel embarrassed to talk about your thoughts and feelings.

Speak to a Therapist

If you’re having great difficulty keeping on track with your medical course and you don’t feel like you can turn to your nearest and dearest for support, you may benefit from speaking to a therapist. Having a counselor who doesn’t know you or your background can put you more at ease in opening up about how you’re feeling. Knowing there is someone there to address your feelings and navigate you through your course can be a huge help.

Take Regular Breaks

To succeed in your medical degree, it’s normal that you’ll want to put your full focus and concentration into getting the best grades possible. However, if you’re not looking after yourself, getting the top grades can come at a price regarding your mental and physical health. You must take regular breaks from your learning to relax and unwind. Whether you meet up with a friend, watch your favorite TV show or spend time with your family, having time away from your course can be a good opportunity to take your mind off things.

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Get Outdoors

As we’re heading into winter, temperatures are beginning to drop, but there are still many advantages you can gain from getting outdoors and being in the fresh air. As the coronavirus pandemic has limited what we can and cannot do, going for a stroll in your neighborhood or local park can provide excellent benefits for your health and wellbeing. If you’re having trouble concentrating on your course at home, having some time outdoors can stimulate your mind and help you return feeling more focused.

To be the best version of yourself and succeed in your medical career, you must study and obtain the relevant qualifications first. Therefore, putting all the tips above into practice will help you prioritize your own health and wellbeing which can help you deliver the best care possible to patients.